
Proto; 3.8th era SciVeg.
Terms: NV,SA,BY,IF$1to5to20% {defaul=1% , entertainment=5% , Persona=20%}

I am calculating where all things may pass. in all directions. here

many strange interesting sequences, and non random numbers.
.0123.3210. 23... butterfly effects.

Its beyond my ability at this time. The idea here is to intersect every main factor possible, in a converging numerical system.. then to apply that system geometrically..

By geometrically intersecting at the all converging points, all geometries should be connectable there.

Applying this realization, it is my goal for sort of an all strut. For all structures.. and better geometric understanding with practice application.

a gromit tie system that is always alignable, at each common geometry. ..super stix. 2d 3d all-d.

And align myself closer to solving the universe.

The concept of the dot mtrx, is to simply aply a sequence, of overlap, in each direction of interest.
..forwardly and reversably.
and thus convergently .
..... with directed numeracy, a ratio overlap for specific geometries can be selected, like a+b=c.
The pieces made should connect interchangably.

likewise an all-grid.
on which all draftings possible.

further to find all things.

Numbers Liefun fact or startling truth: Every number is a lie after 9.. of by 1 or more. 0being1.
So You may have noticed some logos atop, one of them being a gridotmatrx.

Such a matrix is of 2 and 3.

it is 2 & 3, by their dimensional crossings.
& their crossings being Perpindicular.

1×1 is 2.

1×1×1 is 3.

These were again intersected to eachother geometrically. but only to one or the others factoral..


is different from 3▲ 2or4.

bedmas does not apply. order of operations is dictated by reality of application.. in this case geometric space alignment.

2 linear, thrice;
:Is not equal to:
3linera, twice.

1Plane 2d×3


1Planr 3d×2