
Apending SciPonderings

Sciveg 3.7th summer begins


Instant Consice Explaination

Sciveg thoughts and observations pondered here

Spin Transfer

I have now started to understand molecular spin transfer.. ..playing a game of 2d machinery helped me see.. coupled with a previous years insight to magnetic spin instead of pole, as mentioned by a presenter of the Royal Science Academy in a spify (retro-)outfit. circular spin , stacked together, transfers the spin... mechanics does this, natural objects will do this, molecules and molecular forces must thus also do this.
the mold is syntext on the visual themes!! of this code editor < / > ALTERA!!! My fingertips are black molded, im idle sitting programming foraged leaves it grows black on withred greens and Grooves .consumative mono mouth grog. im going to be an industrialist, with electrical inks i should be less masitcatively shelfish. i need better chemistry, satiate.


Flying is like swimming,
if a fish were so heavy they sunk when they stop swimming.

True Structure Formation



It's Very-Much-Less the compressive; Vastly-Far exceeding more is the Tensile-Reasoning of the structure.

The space of Tensile Alingment becomes INSESIVELY SMALL, the truer straightend the tensile is taught.


All Are Fooled

You are Duped, and so is EveryOne around us. We are all treated like Uneducated Fools, and we are.


This is a DevelOp(t)ed CULTure.. [emphases parabel pronounce]. We are told.. and We Believe... Thus We are Stupid... otherwise We disBELIEVE and are stupid still.. Only when You know Enough... AND THINK ENOUGH... Can You PROVE Otherwise.. Example: EVERYBODY "KNOWS", Sending Someone Way Up Top The Mountains Of Alaska, is a great place to get gold... Thats where the mountainers go. ...Think about it.... Do You see what I did.. Ive told You truths and lies... this example is a common disknowlege, mountainers do go up mountains, but Alaskan Mountains Are THE WORST LOCATION ON PLANET EARTH TO FIND GOLD... There is almost no other location on the surface of this planet you could possibly go that has less gold. What else do you think you know? !!!Think about it!!! ..do You Believe ME? Do You understand why this is true, or false? Let Me enlighten and educate you with a hint or two, climbing your conclusions. Climb up or down, to gold? Sending someone uphill to find the heaviest of objects, is like searching the bottom of the water pool for the inflated beach ball. ..DENSITY + GRAVITY.. Okay.. So why is ALASKAN MOUNTAIN a lousy place to find the EASIEST METAL? Because there isnt much at the Bottom Either... Do You Believe Me? Why Might ALASKA be a poor choice, for gold to be? it doesn't like it there..it runs away.. ..Truth or Fiction.. Gold Runs uphill not Downhill? Gold likes to travel, Especialy TO OR FROM Alaska mountains. Where is Alaska close to? The North or South Pole? Which Pole does Gold Migrate most TO OR FROM? Understand where I am going with this? Or better, understand gold? Gold has similar property as Copper and Bismuth. ..though ive only tested Copper. Diamagnetism will Migrate, disimilar to IRON To Alaskan (Mountains(base)). The Equator will have the Most Au.Deeply. ....... EXAMPLE 2, Extension from 1 ... EVERBODY KNOWS panning for gold... ..BUT EVERYBODY IS AN UNEDUCATED FOOL, especialy of gold. a shallow comodity pan. Rinsed over ripples over a near horizontal shallow slope.. This is What everybody was taught.. the SABOTAGE. It also Is amongst Worst possible methods. Tedious to set the sift juuust right, an art they may say.. a tedium in stupidity is more or less acute. We Are Dumb! a deep cup is far superior. .... Almost Every Comon Knowlege.. Is A Twisted Physchopathological Dupe. ALL ARE FOOLED. Conscienceousness is the cure.

Scientificvegan's thoughts and observations pondered here


Pissing on walls is a ROTTEN RESPONSE, But it makes sense, as does fleeing...

Scientificvegan thoughts and observations pondered here

So in soil is nature of detriMalEffect.. Many malities evolved side by side us all species for eons.. Some make us want to piss.. ALOT.. LIKE REEEAAALLLY BAAAADD.. Thats why sometimes SUDDENLY Everyone needs to piss... its in the air... probably a cloudy day nearby..

Cats Dogs and Rodunda often like to piss on everything.. I believe it a long nasal targeting amonia transmited mality..

Other animals are obviously also induced, but their nature is acute. Humanimals often exibit the same.. Piss on walls.. its a sign of the disease mality.. though most himanimals wont piss on the walls inside on the drywall, like cats, but exterior brick likewise...Why does this make sense similarily??

both contain excesive levels of Ca Calcium.. Calcium nitride is solid and not fluid until over 1000 degrees centigrade, thus not vapour.. stop the spread... yet there if noses closely..

this behavior benifits Both Parties.. both the Animalia Kingdom to reduce the open spread into the air, and benificial benifit to the Rot Kingdom being still spreadable, to its acute.

Running away is a sensable fleeing response , as many will reciprocate the action to various degrees to evolutions cause for effect or ceasation Many of the RotKingdoms Followers preditate mindlessly..they become Creatons-of-the-Foul, no longer consisely aware of their inuitive natural responses which tend to take over them. Running away, fearfullness, Feeing, Misbehaviors, Destitution, Very destructively oriented responses are typical signs of an Infection disease or enzyme of the RotKingdom..

A creature being induced by such creaton infections, has many evolved reasons for this flighty or twitchy behavior, as the creaton preditors of the sensory for the rot of their attracted induction alures them.. an uninfected body may or not auto behave the same, when two other bodies approach, simultaneously, for example.. Especialy if telling misbehaviors , likewise if preditor alure fumes.

For-by Worser..These are ROTTEN Responses..! beware ..

..bekind.. treatment can kill with kindness the mality.

a kick in the head might break their nose.. or Lye on their face or pillow may choke the fume..

Wagoneering Techniques

I goto gtfo of here. Welding by Bulb.. Bolt and Candle.. flame and Can of masses.. Magnifying lense at day.. Electrical Ring and Mirror at anytime.. ...The Ring Wire Mirror, can Weld ANYTHING that does not sublimate... ..though i have not siimply built one yet. i presume this will be simple and calculable during build adjustments. The bulb is yeilding disapointing results for welding and tediums in setup handling.. however due to slow pace, is effective for string thread pulling, of ordinary thermal polymers.

Flatsheets are going well in oven between tiles and flexable nonstick baking/grill mats. just over the dial of 300F ~~120C. No Holes.

  • 3to 7 minutes from cool, air fry.
  • 7to10 minutes from cool, on bake.
  • Instant formation after heated, but wrinkle shrink warpage upon setup.
  • Likewise, Cool removal prevents thermal warping.
  • Hot removal causes goostring.
  • warm removal requires faning both sides or dousing to set the shape unwarped.
  • Hot removal can be done by keeping between sheets, then cooling externaly.
  • The Number#1 Plastic Recyclable material, cannot be more than slumped in my quartz heated toaster oven.. dial capping at 450F... The Houshold oven dials to 500F.. which works perfectly for melting and gravity casting of Number#1 (LDPE?? HIGH DENSITY SINKER) Plastic bottles.

    however.. the clarity Technique now discovered, and simple, to choose opaque or Clear, is a great Perspective Benifit and Spectrologicaly for radiative aplications, is all great.. hovever... I cant remove it clearly well, requiring cooling first... thus sticking it to cast pan.. heating the cast pan releases to plastic, but interferes with shape, and rapidly the opacification while slowly cooling. Silicone is often only rated to 200C around here.. and caulking for pure silicone prices are high.. The baking and Grill mats are near same.. and the teflon fibreglass bake and deepfry meshes are likewise similar, all to my surprise. Some school glue outlasts the silicone, and is more afforded and available and requires very little setting time being heatable. Many glue mateswatches are degrading at 500F however.. usable flately, but loosing the flexability, becoming ridgedly brittle. 120C shows zero degradation to flexability, Thus Silicone is no longer viable for purchasing compared to school glue, for thermal set environments. Aluminum cans are being tested to replace mat materials.. woven metals are next.. however, castable form flex solutions will still be required.. ThermalMats copyright requires permission of copyright holders, and Their Endorsed Payments To TabooSaboo SciVegan taboosaboo@gmail.com etransfers accepted taboosaboo.neocities.org/Terms PayPal.Me/TabooSaboosEndorseMe DietCoke CocaCola PresidentsChoice Distilled water Croyola washable schoolglue Dollarama CalvinGlue LePage Glue ThermalMats, nocopyright thirdparty permissions of copyright holders is required, or Their Endorsed Payments To TabooSaboo SciVegan taboosaboo@gmail.com etransfers accepted taboosaboo.neocities.org/Terms PayPal.Me/TabooSaboosEndorseMe cooky cutter shape placement gravity cast formats will be cheaply implemented, until permaflexable cast solutions/pastes/,clays are found.

    Construction site and reno toss off are amongst the best sources of large application structure quantity material.. like plastic floor boards..

    likewise buisnesses are a large source of regular high quantity recyclable materials on repeat bases, very stable resource

    Magnetic Wrapping

    Magnetism is Not Polar.. Magnitism is Wrappar.

    A current of electrucity enrings Planet earth.. Electricity is Polar, the polarity ring is East West.. Probably due to the spin in beside thermal radiation (the sun through the spacial vacum)..

    ......therefore thermal stroking in a polar direction, induces an electrical polar charge.

    Thus The magnetic field enwraps that wring of electrical current.. likewise a permenant seeaming enwrapment of magnetic field through the likely larger cross area of electrical ring making it seem polephilic, whereas the least electrical resistance is in fact reciprocal perpindicular and tangent. And losing its electrical structure for conductance upon heating... ...thus therefore, i predict ceramic or SemiCrystaline perminant magnets increase their magnetic strength as temperature rises, until melting point falls the structure if disfavorable. Reciprocally Metal Magnets Become Super Magnets at Lower temperatures, due to the same favour of better electrical polarity conductance by opposite thermal degree. Magnetic wrappings are wide, not polar when electricaly conducted by a long length of wire. Picture this. this (un)massively far field of object .

    Nearly unlimited reaching interactions, with all other far fields in the world holding place together.

    StraightToGravity BentTimePathLight

    Gravity is where it will go, Light is taught to where it will go [and from..
    ..or not taught from!!@ got it.. reverse.. its origin moved like its destination... straight each way... but the mass originsdestinations are loosely forced.]

    Origin one durection of falsetime Destination the other direction of false time... Which one is Gravity? Which one is emiter of light ? Time is disrelative to light. only Destination and Origin.

    Sciveg thoughts and observations pondered here... Bent forces of reciprocate time and placement. Light is not crooked? Ever??? The time is bending the straight path to its gravitational mass of destination.. its like it knew where the force was attracted.. probably connected the whole TIME... The mass the light encounters, will be there, some day.. as it ventures past stars and planets.. or nearer sooner a lamp, but that is a difficult distance to time. The objects in the periphrial of the path of the light, HAVE ZERO INFLUENCE; GRAVITATIONALY... But it ends at a gravity mass, that can produce and transfer HEAT.. HEAT IS RECIPROCAL TO LIGHT... LIGHT TRAVELS STRAIGHT.. ALL FORCES ARE CONNECTED TO ANOTHER... LIGHT IS THEREFORE ATTRACTED TO COLDER OBJECTS THAN THE LIGHT. Light IS HEAT. Light knows its defered path? Can light be interupted... or was it always going to arrive there? It went straight... only refraction curves it.. but its not a curve .. its a new angle... and it may have been the straight path of sequence... was this an interception? Was this part of the initiating force that caused the release of the light??? Does the destination have a reciprocal connection to the initiation? Time is not real..its cause effect relativity... The path was always. the path is. the path was and is. the path was and is the force. ...day later.... rereadingg..corrections.. apend consice.. Conclusion: HEAT REPELS LIGHT.. Therefore knowing this hypothesis, a hotter than light object, may bend light's path... and Likewise I may bevon route to discovering what repels gravity....Cold?


    Slow attenuation focused detail practice...makes perfect.

    Going rushy is dumb.. Natural paces following the attenuation become limitless in every improved detail, thus needing no rush.. dont force initial pace..

    FumbleFingers.. Gravity is slow, slow down.. dont delay too long... its the VERTICAL DROP, Requiring the reactive flinch catch hand.. NOT THE HORIZONTAL.. Tiltering, is sloowish.. dont be flinchy for the horizontals...

    The attention to detail, was to notice what DIRECTIONS, required what DIFFERENT pace-of-MOTION.

    Angle of detail is another.. Intersection of dimensions in this reality are typically perpindicular dimensioned.


    Refer to heading "MiscableSolidsArePOLYMERS", for brief acurate consice summated statement of the topic matter, as it also defines that...

    Mixed sugar dough, today.. the other day, it produced a noodle stretch dough string within.. today, I made techniques, probably many other artisans discovered also, how to mix by crumble rolling dough to pieces, to increase surface area attatchement to powder, instead of squish kneading one outer large layer at a time.. Anyway.. after trying to instantly crystalize salt saturate, by adding sugar after, it didnt, I then got to mixing in flour.. It also had peanut butter powder, so I also discovered reeces core. With candy making in mind, or a sugar wiking stone..
    ... anyway...
    ...Miscable Solids...
    Sugar is one of those...

    all that bullshaz distractions about poly chain mer blah blah, is a bunch of waste your life postula dont know what they are fuchtalking about, close that book, shut off that channel...
    Polymers are miscable solids, thats all.


    Again that equation is as stated and follows:


    More acurately, Polymers are solids slipping on their solution.

    Technichaly it doesnt need to be miscable, but it helps guarantee against grainulation.

    I dont know about you, but when I have global scale epiphical knowlege insight disbarring the mass disillusion of unknowledge; thats a good sumat for me. NV,SA,BY,IF$1%

    Thats My Ponder Observation Experience Insight Conclusion and Terms for You and or Anyone, enjoy SciVegan MaterialScientist.

    ScribbleMath, forward multiple, back divy

    1×2×3= 1 2 6 ÷2=3 ×4= 24 ÷3=8 ×5= 30 ÷3=10 ×5=120... 25×5=125-5=120 .. 24×2=48×2=16+8=86+1=96+24 100 110 114 120


    This is a big polymer.. tastey.. The order of the Technique matters.. as i was having polymer epiphical insights, squizing penutbutter powder dough, Trying to crystalize out the salt... the compitition for hydrate! Sugar I presumed strongest being miscable, but maybe its not, perhaps salt is stronger, as it didnt crystalize out.. dough had a hard time competing for wik...ill do anotger test based on this.. .. anyway... NoodleDoughStringPolymer... Adding sugar first, is not as good... the dough will have a hard time getting wettness from the sugar goo... Make flour dough goo first, then add sugar, the sugar is miscable, so it will moist and wet easily, and bind to the hydrate of the flour dough goo... thats it.simple. order of bonding. bonding series.

    CNaCl FilamentHousing


    People fight themselves alot, and the obvious, unwittingly and foolishly with or without tenacity clevar or not... OXIDES, ARE NOT A GOOD HOUSING FOR REACTIVE FILAMENT!! ..so i stopped trying to think of an oxide that might not react...

    Accept Observations, as they are. Fighting the result to a preconseved notion may be more dificulty than plausable.. Change to a different variable if nessesary. ..if a problem is less reactive than another, consider just that. Considering what ELSE, doesnt react with oxygen other than pre reacted oxides, was an obvious hangup i was clearly hungup on unwittingly. AlO...NaO... Glass.... Water glass??... anything with Oxygen can explode with a sublimatable filament reaction.. hence blast furnace... it WILL GET TO PRESSURE OR TEMPERATURE OF REACTION eventually... had to switch... with metal filiments i just kept seeking oxides, knowing thed only melt... avoiding carbon rods to even bother a brittle thought of rarety of production.... using the mechanical graphite to ignite the homemade candle with last night against aluminum electricaly, after seeing aluminum flash white... i decided, carbons hottest... try it...

    its a simple solution..if you get my meaning


    #1Plastic, #Upcycle, BreakSizeLeverage10to1

    at a square measure of 10 to 1 , length side to thickness , the upcycled #1 plastic bottles that melted to a tile of a few mm thick, becomes stronger and less easily broken britle at that size of its leverage.


    oil coagulates by certain exposure.

    Ive observed oil coagulations a number of times over the years.. elastic band exposure disolvtion; years of Time in a jug outside changing seasons; Spill and atmosphere exposure with particulate contaminentvover time.... now Over-Night vinigar and glue drop..

    I tried analyzing this observation... i also tasted it.. it was to my surprise... Deliscious sweet. like golden brown sugar.. this was from dark vinigar and a drop of white school glue, that didnt mix easy with a paper clip in a glass clear bowl.. tipping the bowl, the dark translucent substance no longer flows, but is a gooey liquid.. I noticed on the 2nd or third day, another clear liquid formation.. on touch and tasteless it was oily... .. during wagoneering i desided to taste test the glue, touching my tongue tip to finger, it was bitter as the skin of fruit, berry bush particular being noticible in bitter magnesium.. coagulative or soluble 2nd alky earth elements (Mg Ca).. ..ive noticed before and ponder deduced the observable near tested conclusion of bitter to acid to sugar, shown by fruits, then also shown by vinigar.. Vinigar turns also alcoholic in cases, and likewise wine gum sweet. ..people mentioned oxidation as coagulative oil causevover years, but i was sceptical, seeing it also in a closed jug, though in other cases an imploding sealed cupula.. . Alcohal has some oxygen when dilute only.. which it often is.. this carbon substance is often more companionable with likewise hydrocarbons, however being also miscible with water, unlike many hydrocarbs not wanting to mix with anything... anyway.. I chemicaly analyzed some, and put them together.. .. the oil in jar is slower now with a fewcsquirts of alcohal, barely.. but i think the alcohal is mostily volitile.. the vinigar, may give more weight to holding it unvolitile in solution, and is acid, thus accelerated the affect, also being reciprocal cimpound to alcohal production as a carbonic compound, it also conjuncts with biterants as was in the glue, but there is no bitter nor vinigar in jar, and bitterant and vinigar leads to sweet wichbindicates sugar whichbis a sticky hydrocarb.. ..I will be repeating this with bitterant.. also soap is comon with bitterscand oil, also being coagulayive and water oil soluble.


    This particular model is Thermaly resilient just over 200C or 400 to 500 F. Becoming more flexable when heated. After Exceeding thickly 400F the set factor is ridged after cooling.


    Trade secret Ingredients include Thermoset paste (aka Schoolglue), thats it realy.. paste it by itself or on other high temperature materials, like foil woven wires fiberglass stone fiber popcans etc.

    Scented Yoyo

    NV,SA,BY,IF$5%{Entertainment} throw and spin that scented fragrance into the are as a near or far tirrent aroma. ..Cinamin, Vanila , PB? , Mint, Lemon , Coconut , Lime. Golden brown sugar too ?.


    if its solid, it requires more chewing. Our Animal bodies, are liquid processing machines. Chew with fluid. Swallow the drinkable portion, not the solid portion; sip more fluid and repeat until process is complete.

    My Next Vessel, Wagoneering ...Sponge in a bag... Buckets are too difficult to come by, especialy of the same and adiquate sizes..plus attatching them together structuraly... ...structure... the sponge can be made sooo much more easily.. weight worth of material is nill, few pounds if that... I could even stick sponges together, of various cusion sizes.. if i use an already bouent material of density below 1, than even if the bag leaks, i could paddle it soggy afloat to shore.. Cheeeeaaap Reapair.. Sooo Easy..Soooffffttt...mmmmnnnn. Lounger. Loaf boat. Raft Loafer, Loafer Raft. Sponge Boat.. ... ..Back to structure.. water only.. ..wouldnt hold up on land.. ...unless i get fancey.. ..i can get fancey, but efforts vary.. simplest structure, minor or major, depending on sponge strength... is to iron the bag to it! so now it is sponge creation experiment time!!

    HCl ~ BrNa OMtl ~ MtlBr + NaCl + heat + teflon pan

    Thats it.Titleheading. reactants and catalyst.

    So i tried inventing a HCl priduction method from solute.. with water... how to get the Cl to shak with H.. where does O go?... a mtl... this may be done better as wet salt more than a solution..just guessing though.. the Flouro Coating may be of asset, because who can afford to react with Floride let alone the access of ability... but NaclHO + F might produce ONaF & ClH.. i chose bromine to attempt something more accessable somewhat, and higher vape temp. while one heats the other gases unwanted (by the reaction) vapoff.


    Live with a healthy bodily promotion... Chew To Goo.

    Drink Plenty of Fluids, PRODUCE PLENTY OF FLUIDS!!!!!

    Be sure to Drink plenty of Fuid.. Drink Fluid Before or and After Chewing to Goo... but avoid during.. The idea is to promote the bodies fluid production... Doing this will live longer(!), Im Sure of it! And Im starting Today!

    Notice: You may notice, at certain goo HYDRATE VALUES, the body is more or less satisfied or detered...

    if chew goo is paste thick and swallowed, thus may bind and sap the body... either more chewing salvation is needed, or and fluid after.

    The goal of "food" is not to consume solids, But how can it help retain fluids.

    Exit the food cult.

    Notice: After several eons, the #GrassCult of oats and dead animal consumption; still have not learned how to ongoingly live forever.

    EatMoreFruit. #ChewMoreJuice.

    Silicone Synthesis

    Add Alcohal, to alkalyzed substance.

    So basicaly, adding alcohal to alkalized substansnces has a tendancy to oilify.. far as i can recollect so far.. I just watched a video, the Chemist (whom im new to)Apoptosis whom stirs ethanol with Sodium silicate silution to produce kneedable silicone. Wheras I recall an experument i conducted, trying to produce oil synthetically, by alkalyzing carbon, then treating it with methane, in juction with air and water fir several days.. to soaponify similarily. after the cup was spilt or dumped by houshold family member, i was ae to notice flecks of liquid days later that had not evaporated, thus clear oils... ..the silicone effect is similar, thus will all similar polymer productions... Also by evidence of observation by another chemist (a Favorite to be sure!) ActionLab Demonstrating cooling and viscosity thickening (an effect of recent considerations) of ethanol.. thus chemically bonding alcohal to compounds of higher requisite phase temperatures, will thicken the ethanol or alcohal to its goo point at likewise a higher temperature...


    Im getting more Proficient with HTML6 javascript programming and with CSS, through my regular Documents such as this one... which may likewise become the platform startpoint doc and hub for much of my plsnned and yet EDUtainment and T.U. and TabooSaboosArcade... Ive yet to make my furst game..


    Bad Dros Breathe, may cause Fatigue.

    The Drowseyness, occasionaly experienced after eating , may be reduced by brushing deeply the mouth.

    Dros=Drowsey.. DrosDrowsey=UnhygenicRest=Rot=MoreDros

    Eat More Mineralsolute, Lifeforms are not food, That shit is rotten.


    An open bottle on its side, collects two densities of gas.

    My room window is similar..unstirred or unwaded.

    I would like now to design a side bottle. NV,SA,BY,IF$1%. Simpley the bottle mouth is side mounted.

    id like this to stand out a bit abstractly. The regular bottle shape, standing, but the top rounds as usual with no mouth to go to.. the mouth being at the at side, midway unless heavy or light gas is prefered than nearer top side for heavy gas collection and near base mid for light density gas collection.. the light gas bottle may look almost like something we are used too as similar to a faucet drink jug or water barel but no lid for refill nor an air inlet for drainage..

    pour the gasses respectively by tipping the bottle to the side, particularily toward or away from the spout mouth. Tilting the spoutmouth up releases geometrically the flow of the low density(what a stupid namenclature, "low density" rises, "high density" falls.. change is needed for the undoing of this linguistic sabotage..) gas. Recipricatorily the heavy gas can be sifoned similar by tilting the opening downward.

    bottoms up (bowl or mug etc)for collecting unheavy pour.. Bottoms down for collecting heavy pours.

    Learning to Sound program html5


    That 2nd example doesnt work for me, i got no sound.. only the first one worked audibly... but the 3rd has some usefull snipets. though i heard nothing of my recording dunk jug bounce mp3... the 1st example is at bottom within accolades, possibly modified..... Ohhh the dunk sound worked!!¡.. now how do i un body tag this thing from the top???..adding backround music didnt work for me either.. maybe i inserted it wrong... ill copy past the whole thi g again. the try it now version worked online..the bounce donk sound stopped... ..the playsound works.. the play music doesnt work.. the playsound when dunkmp3 iscswapped for gamethememp3 will play either.. playmusic is not functioning..

    Record sound


    ...Easier Gears.

    Scale it to req strength. #SciCraft


    ...Phase beyond gas or solid, where field is the form of matter, similar beyond plasma.

    It may be difficult to observe by human sensory. Obtuse actute awarness of senses would be required.. otherwise scientific instruments.

    #Silicone #Synthesis

    ...Silicone how

    Copper Chloride should refine with sand. other metals are less acidic than copper. Possibly including Silicon. Us copper Anode, a and iron cathode. Concentrate, both. Make sodium silicate. mix sodium silicate with Chloride, in solution. ThirdParty method:Poctosis https://youtu.be/ZE5xBc856U4?si=untlHiZBIMDHyt5m noo wait.. chloride with silica to get Silicon or silica purely after siphoned.. Add Ethanol to Sodium Silicate. Sodium Silicate by silica or silicon + NaOH .. posibly more rapidly by ClSi or in pressence of FC. Th÷ory for Eth NaSi reaction : Soaponification. Si and C are hydrophobes, thus waterproof after enough NaOH drains out.. ..consider sulfonication for further property benifits, such as greater rubberfication, border hydrophobia at solid temperature phase change.

    #0Kelvin Redefined

    0K, is Solid.. not motionless.

    Redefinition required for Absolute zero, to better reflect actual accuracey of what it truely is, instead of initialzed postula of motionless. ABSOLUTE ZERO, is definable by SOLIDIFICATION of ALL MATTER. Especialy Elemental.


    The Canadian Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Incentive Program (SRED or SR&ED) adv link



    ...Odds are odd.. not even

    The coin in my hand, gives me obtuse sensory.. The odds no longer even by slight.

    Like roulette with every chamber loaded with a marble but one...knowing the inversion is the key to the opposite odd.

    $0.05 per toss, and double per sequence.

    it may add up slightly, more or less.

    PeriodicTable of ChemicalMisleadings

    ...Its alot of throw offs..

    Waaay to much postula tp be trusted.. and much of it logicaly disprovable. Likewise experomentally...

    Too atomicaly theoretical.. thats sub physics...

    ...the nobels should be center with carbon or both on side ..

    and who says acids are more volitile per row?.. shift it..

    reconsider what density indicates.

    F Li Be B C He

    see what im saying, reactively? Reactive to non.

    Br S Na

    ..maybe more dense Acids are less volitile that metals.. and on the wrong order row of misunderstanding..


    ...SodiumAluminumSulphide, electroliticell battery.

    I need to make my own batterries..

    there were two donation kid car powered wheels toys.. and i was considering whether worth it.. i have over a half dozen jank lead acid batterries, and i hate that..

    relying on stupid prices, and sketchy materials, formats sizes, donations , voltages... is unfucking ludicris... I QUIT THIS JANK CULTURE SOCIETY.. ima make myown..

    dufferent metals are not necisary, its a myth.. its all about an alectrolytic reaction. there needs at least be one.

    iron sodium is a good combination of electrolyte, veing sodium as the electrolyte, and iron as the electrode, as the electrolyte sodium doesnt damage it like acids do.. just sodium wouldnt be much to electrolyse on its own though, nothing to seperate from an element, so hydrate is typical but oxidizes iron, and electrolyte is best... but what?? phosphide is too mythicaly elusive. oh and am electrode does not need be metal.

    Aluminum reacts with evetything... so not a gpod electrode... but its gel is amazing! very consistent throughout all hydration dehydration levels.. unlike flakey iron hydrate amalgum.. and inert.. AlOH is amongst the most inert substances on earth... less toxic than water, in many ways, especialy on contact area for prolonged duration when dry.

    The Na needs an electrolyte... not too soluble though.. i do t want to disolve away the electrode plaque, and disolve fresh elecyrodes.. and i dont want it to all evaporate or burst.. not many options..Sulphur.

    NaS is one of the most important compounds in our known(byme)existance.Not many others know it though(<1% , est.)...

    Aluminum gel batteries would be a great medium. Being versitile consitent and inertly unreactive. If somthing ever reacts with the Algel, than whoo hoo record that reaction, because aluminum is valuable to refine.

    Ca clogs as oxide... Mg is super soluble as is sodium. Epsom is viable but may likewise erode electrodes.. Na soluble.. K soluble but more difficult to get.. K is famed for refinement though... K refine batteries.. Electrolyse and refine your electrodes, as you cycle K-cells. K,Kalium,Potasium...Sodium is more abundant.. Cloride too corrosive...but if it just deposits continualy its okay.The gel may help that.

    Ill be starting with Al NaCl gel, electrolyt product . then trying others as I freely obtain them.. im not spending anymore on anything.. been homeless and shaken outof everything too many times.. im not zeroing again. #FreeChemistry! there may be epsom around too.

    im unfamiliar with CuNa lectrodes.. i had a habit of FeNa..

    A difference of polarity that chemicaly reacts is preferential, and electrolyses again and again of coarse... but without interacting with the electrodes chemistry.

    two reactive electrolytes . One Electrode material (for both or each electrolyt).

    MoralEthica era 3.2

    ...3.2nd era MoralEthica , a half decade previous...

    Presented by ScientificVegan KyleCPM, (Moral Advocate & Ameliorator),
    2019 Sept end.
    There I said it,
    MoralEthica, I need it as much as You do, some need it more still (condolences if You are part of this category).
    The World is Morbidly Messed up(-down-diagnoly & to-the-side)! 
    MoralEthica plans on being a Moralogical Compas to The World.
    A City, Capttal, Station, Nation, My Home, Online & Offline, as a word: a Statement of Ameliorated Advisory.
    MoralEthica is My goto guidance/policy/advice/life/lifestyle/home/shelter/store/educator/place/website/city/more..
    MoralEthica I the best I can possibly offer.
    _____ _____ _____ _____ ______
    My name, I Am Elio Rater,
    & I have found Myown endless limit.
    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
    _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
    As a device in hand, this is where I start(ed) for now.
    •No Lumber
    •No Leather
    •No Ammo/holster
    •No Meat
    •No chainsaws/carpenter tools (not responsible)
    •No Death/snap/glue traps.
    •No paper from pulplumber
    •No roots/seeds/grains for mastication/milling
    •No endlife preditation.
    You post it, You sell it, You report it, You Ban it, You Aprove it, You buy it, We all monitor this.
    In general, if it does not pass this Moral Ethical Code, than it is Not Good!
    if(Life <= -1){MoralyEthical ="NO"}


    ... A Trapazoid Beam, can be folded with triangular sides, easily. An amazing structure .

    This simple structurevmay chsnge my structural life.

    we are not a single shape.

    We are fields of differeing overlapping shapes, none other that we see.. we are ignorant. We Sensless. This explains alot.. We do not see the magnetic field shape, electrostatic field shape, only the covalent shape.

    #BumpStuckWheel LittleIluusion

    ...its not size wheel,.. its how hard is it(?).

    softer wheels, less bump hit stucks.. all wheels apex the same angle.. make the rail, at prefered apex angle, instead of relying on sheer wheel size

    ... hard wheels get stuck hard..the slope determones what angles slide or leverage well.. set the rail to the needed angle of apex(probablt less than half square(45° of full 360° rotation angle

    pushing a wheel horizontal does not get it up a vertical , without a slope.. chances are, we are pusing it on a downward angle.. keep in mind this us different than rotating it, or pusing a side or top or bottom of the wheel; just specificaly pushing the wheel say from pin center, no slope, no wall climb. Then with the slope added, it wont go straight up, by pushing it this way.. inerta travels this way partly. So stuck still is tough.


    Gears or LtA? ...iron is too heavy..

    lta i'd need a heavy Anchorpoint(!) to leverage too.. pull way by string. push by finger... no levers. 0 impedance from crossing gravity.. No slope too steep.Any Weight.

    Of Course I would Lever, Pully style.. I think this a clevar way to get to.. Anchor pulling may be a slow process, but very stable...


    ...3 cords and a weight.

    ..hmm, this works for rises, of wave slopes, but not falls.. 3 pole woule be need insteadvof cords... but then 1 pole would do.

    #LearningTo #DrinkVeryWell And EatPastely


    The #KingsCookie is important.. it prevents the total destruction of the king, thus kingdom..

    I just wanted my cooky soo badily...

    ..food is not as important.. as hydration...!

    The King needs to learn disipline, of his OWN pains.. not as indications of others? not of the world around?

    but this is differently or difficult.. because the world around sets the conditions.. as can a body within..

    beep beep

    ..look out, or look within..

    Timed or causation, somthing to get out of the way to our destination of salvation..

    Traficking is horrid..

    Too close to the limits edge causesvhot engines, hot chests, hit heads..typo hotheads.. that hot not hoth hot-heads... but yes.. no won wants therir head hit nor bottom of butt, no.

    Abuse is abuse...

    Whitholding or forcing a cookie... a drink.. key... vital... pain... sensory..

    whichever..wherever they come from .. i know these bodily abuses arevthere.. otherwise unaware...

    The cookie, made with a slight of sugar, for water philic absorption.. a powder to dough.. mixing and cooking until baked.. im using carbo hydrates presently..so until beige to golden brown.. a crispness.. ready to reabsorb fluid, upon entry.. its a delectable cookie..

    The cookie is important, for some reasons.. the timing? the skills? the sensiries fir observations enable me to view the world..(?)..and it brings salvation..

    Greatly the Salvation is key..as is the hydration the cookie may hold semi solid, prolongingly..

    adding balance is triky in this world of shifty gravity.. as water glosshes us.. we need retain or excrete it vitally..

    salt is to our nature.. soluble.. we have diluded ourselves, beliving cult practices for so much "food" is horendously grature by need or want desire... it is not... one cookie per cup, is plenty... possibly too much, if not glosh..

    excrete the vital, before too yellow, to spare your muscles tensioning... and drink more as to lubricate them... do not hold in your pains for too long.. as unibing can cauae greatdamages...

    paste is the vital salvation of the crumbly when wet cookie..

    enjoy the ADDED flavours... but do not confuse or deny your senses into the diluted dillusional illusion that a body is a comodoty when is life orign..

    Salvate... chew to salvation... swallow no solid, only the solute.. otherwuse amalgum or pastely slight.. but never too paste, as can stick dangerously.

    Have a kings drink.. and stop sipping.. drunk deep as needed to last the day portion, beyond a beeping minute of a drip fast fry chest ...

    my chest is hot, thus i need a drink as it makes ne thirstblike a hot pan with a drop of pancake batter.. a great cookie btw..

    #RulersHat of Concentration

    ... My hatvmay be well to roughly ruled...

    Foil hats are a funny propogation... Tape amd fpil may be better, for durable styling... and funtion...

    You may of mot know some of My Songs.. A Half Circle, goes aroind, in . plane concentration

    A ring of fins better breathable to my requisite preferance... all weather for rain runoff or sun reflection... or Functional Operation of High Degree SciCraft Engineering.. Her is my Tule:, (abide and utilize as you may must...)

    1mm rules, of concentration

    3mm dia == 100 Degrees Celcius
    30mm= 1000C
    300mm = 10 000 ° C
    This rule set is formulated, by concentrating ringwise to 1mm area. Pi style. (Crc:Dia = 3:1). and 10degree asumption ofthermal reflect.

    1cm rules, of concentration

    30cm dia == 100 Degrees Celcius
    300cm (3m)= 1000C
    3000cm = 10 000 ° C

    (100mm) 10cm (0.1m) rules, of concentration

    3cm dia == 100 Degrees Celcius
    30cm= 1000C
    300cm = 10 000 ° C

    #Invergence #Envergence

    ...Everything is enverted..

    thin thic this invertedness seems throughout..

    Thoughts Actions Matters..

    Senses and Feelings.. Perceptions, Conclusions, First thoughts , Habits , final thoughts... Water is a molten crystal.. Cows are not food... Things cant get worse, because yolo.. almost Every Common Phrase!

    This World is physcotic!!!! Bodies are disjointed and evade sensory!

    We have become soo physcopathic, we have lost almost every diversity of sensory.. barely see 3 colours.. There is no advantage to the dna that causes loss of all other.. its mathematic enevitability.. the craziest go sensless.

    I cooked on a plate... upside down... it worked better!

    the heat was better held..


    what's the difference?.. let's make it up now.. I'll begin.
    Invergence is internalized flipping order/disorder..
    Envergence is external flipping order/disorder
    Makes sense? it should.
      ..Why would anybody in the Right mind (its a Trick theyre the wrong mind!!!):
    • ..Want more oats than sugar..
    • ..Put poison bottles on the lowest to reach cuboard shelf..
    • ..Store Heavy glass earthenware ovenware above ontop the highest cuboard..
    • ..Prefer Gas over Electric..
    • .. AC instead of DC..
    • .. Continualy Rent the same lousy place at more expense, instead of own elswhere better for less expense..
    • .. Want pathological fiction, more than facts ..
    • .. Speak quickly..
    • .. compete instead of cooperate..
    • .. ..
      Why would matter aglomerate:
    • as overlapping fields.. entangled


    ...If it costs > $1 and doesnt yeild profit... !!!!! ITS NOT WORTH SPENDING!!!!!

    I had forgotten to write this the other day at or after the park.. Free water park.. Though mentioned it aloud.


    if it costs more and more and more... cut it..YOU DONT NEED IT!

    • A: GetSomethingCheaper
    • B: GetSomethingProfitable
    • C: GetSomethingFree
    • D: MakeSomethingYourself
    its pretty simple.. as an equation.. but the solutions are endlessly limitless.

    that equation again..
    if(cost>$1)Then NO .


    #UnforgivableTruth: if a person spends more than 1%... The person is truely a moron..


    ... Honest as SciVegan...

    I Prefer, tobe #Truthfull.. ..for example.. I will tell you 2 Statements... 1 is truthfull, 1 is a lie... then I will tell you a 3rd statement ...

    1. . This Statement is true...
    2. ... That Statement was false .
    3. If the first statement is true.. than the second statement is false...

      ...if the first statement is false.. than the second statement is true...

    4. Both statements are true

    Did I Lie?.. The Truth requires it..

    If i didnt lie.. than i failed to tell the truth.. "1 is true, 1 is false"

    Those are MyStatements..

    ...so if both statements, are true.. my entryduction was the lie..

    both are true.. ...
    if my entry is false... than why are both statements true?..they would need falsety to clarify the second.. if they are both true, the second statement is false..

    Therefore my entryduction is #TruthFull

    #IAmelioRator #iameta
    maybe -Full is the wrong conjuncture.. 100% is every alternation of state and interpretation of disambiguation..

    #TruthOverall -outcome


    ...Do Not Abide, Your Enimie's False Rules to Destroy You.

    Some things CANNOT BE ABIDED... like "No Blue on Sunday".. The sky will still be blue on sunday, as will many other things.

    Public Enemy Number One

    is the person whom says You cannot do something publicaly.

    That body or group or individual... is an enemy.

    ..... ..... ..... Whether or not that something should or not be done, detoured to the false abidance "Cannot, Public". Not Should not public.. cannot public... total baracadance..publicaly.. but not privately.. ..... ..... .....

    ...This is the problem with the world today...

    ..... ..... .....

    Disabling public actions, and promoting withdrawl.. no craft.. no individual standout... no group fraternization... no public..

    Yet enabling private horendar...


    if thats what they were made of...

    why would anybody bother to harass and assualt someone weaving a basket of furniture , or plainly wiping a panel of their vehicle , no gas, eco friendly...

    but horendars: gasoline, chainsaws, slaughter, deforestation , taroad, lumbar bones of other kingdoms, all are done privately with open acceptability... hmm..


    horendars should not be done,continued,practiced,bought,traded,sold, Occuring ANYWHERE!!!!

    Ethical Practices Should be Practicable ANYWHERE!!!!!

    plain water wiping, weaving , nondestructivegardening(nevercuttheliving iftheyaregreen letthemgrow. weedsisracism) , regular comunications , rest , relaxation , hydration , Are All : ETHICAL PRACTICES!!

    This is PlanetEarth!!!

    tell a rock to not be grey.. is unAbidable.. paint eachother red or blue as much you wantvor not..
    if you want someone to hide from you.. perhaps they should want your destruction too instead pest. Why be a pest? Leave them alone.



    ... temperature per each in verticle sequence?



    fluid smooth vega diet. ..sugar sweet smooth every day for the rest of my life.. i can afford that, at less than $1 per few days. i now earn just over $1 every other day, equity, and may increase from 20% to double soon. These Vegan smoothies, are soooo affordable... SANITY.. who wants more oats, when You can have more nondestructivegardening..downwith#cereal more sugar, less oats... im not at the garden phase yet.. so il just buy a bag of sugar($1to$3), or use donation. Idealy, only slight thickener, amulgum is required by the body.. a (sm<1g)rusty nail, hydrated to gel, is 100% the daily... but unil that level, coming soon, ill just use the bag of oats.. ($1 ±0.2 per lb)[free].. flour $0.5 per lb (1kg $1) a single spoon full per cup is plenty enough.. ..microwaved or raw.. (dont eat un"disolved" flour.. it can stick...hard) cocao is an ancient parisite, that humans have been preying on for eons.. this counterculture parisite grows the human body exceptionaly healthy while sharpening and destroying the mind..craving it for futher addiction.. This can be added at cost.. ..though just one scoop, per full jar will give essence of cocao .. so Financialy, the cost is negligable..but beware.. any other seasoning will have the same cost essence affordability.. with or without other bewares.. Idealy Ratio of Jar : Sugar 5:>:1 flour(/oat) cheaply inverted?.. barely.. maybe not.. sugar sometimes rivals the affordance even of the unholy grain culture. cane grows taller than grain. #CaneFlour

    #SolidJakit, admire all

    ... Im going to make a solid state jacket

    y is jakket spelt c k ... cc kk -e ... why is it called a jack? coat makes sense.. why a wrenchware wear?

    solids are solid.. thread is flux solid liquid.. it has dehydratables in many cases inside

    the universe has solid state.. all temperatures get flux of phases.. solid is marginaly wide...




    ...Waxy oily greasey rag and a bar soap..

    the BarSoap made the oily rag go coagulatively waxy and greasey... liquid soap did not..

    the bar soap is an excellent coagulant.. xnd may be usefull in majing more soap, or wax, from oils..

    the rag fekt like leather work, fortuney without leather.


    feeding the catz.. ...

    I saw this.guy feeding his.cats ...

    He fed them the exact same everyday.. same time.location .

    it became obvious, after observations inbetween showed their occassional eager enthusiasm exploring and trying other things.. like penut butter, real margarine (100% from oils) , canola , cocunut milk , seaweed , etc.. stereptypical stuff... they also liked chewing plant leaves most after bringthem in.. or rubbing ankles or objects that were in grass..

    anyway.. it was obvious they just liked the ROUTINE of Being SERVED By HIM. . much more than anything else.. rejecting all items they previously explored and enjoyed... only wanting what Routine He has Continualy Offered..

    Their habit os strong.. their will and ability for change, is CRIPPLINGLY WEAK..Literally. ..likewise my own grass grain gluteny..

    Presented with the idea of being SERVED AAAANNNYYTHING ELSE.... being just that..

    He couldnt do it.
    i feel no pity for this cripllingly huncheing old man, nor his.cats . They will continue to shit.everywhere , until they die.


    ... Tensile fabric can be solidified without glue.. by tying per sqaure its thickness.

    NV,SA,BY,IF$1% Feel free to apply me to scientific award fir this one.. or any other you choose worthy the accolade to global and or scientific influence.

    beyond twuce the sqaure distance the diagonal influence will become more flexabley reduced of its otherwise rigid tensile influence.


    #ElectroTripleCell Isolate

    ...This technique can charge isolate a compond component from the activr electrodes

    ..beyond that, more cell electrodess, more compoundment influences.
    Alkalyzation of a hydrate may hydride to reiprocal like oil... consider viscose.. cerametal fibers.. Thermal treatment to dehydrate and exude tars within a setting fibre.. ..400F? is typical for CH ps. the idea of the alkalyzation is to remove the oxide without removing the hydride.

    #HHh , HEAT HYDRATION hygene

    ... Dont Freak out.. I have it Prioritized..

    No need for mass inflienza OCD GermoPhobeHyperiod's of Personified Programation, in media gov societies cults professions etc... its A Top Priority... not The Top Priority... and calm down.

    Go suck a sponge.

    I found ALOT, of Stupid People.. whom dont seem to know how to go about doing simple things... or are so emotionaly disregular they enbar themself as an excuse not too do so as properly nessesary...#Fools, They Are The Influenza...

    These deseases do not persist , in a normal persons cercumstance.

    One of the most simple things We can do.. as a mechanicaly animated creature lifeform... is wipe something...

    However, as described, these #FoolsOfInfluenza , dont seem to understand or perform this simple action well.

    Often remaining and accumulation vanity unessisary posessions with little understanding of True Priorities... aand would rather leave it till later... and over disinfect, as if that sufuces for not wiping..

    The Truth, is that Sanitizing something... Does Not Clean It!

    U can spray a pile of shit... 1000 times...

    Your/Their Shit Pile will still wreek like the influence of Your Life.. and Attract likewise what You do/didnt..

    A normal Person..

    ..Doest have this ongoing problem... They wipe their shit up...

    They dont need to spend on jugs and spray hords of magic cleaners to apparate away the problems that are not able to reoccur and ongoingly accumulate in their life... because, They Are Normal.. thus want a normal healthy life simply.. so they wipe the shit, if it ever occurs.. problem gone.. They dont leave it on the counter, intheir bag, under the desk , on the floor, in the fridge or cuboards, not in their car, nor at their neighbors, nor friends, schoolyards, workplace, sidewalks, NOR ANYWHERE else...

    ..Please.. CHOOSE NORMALITY...

    simply, Get The Fuck Up... and CLEAN YOUR SHIT...

    The impossible to get rid of PLAGUE, YOU/They/God/Demons/Nature/extraterestials/Supernaturals/FictitiousMissleadShitBullshitExcuse ... whatever... it will disappear and not be attracted back.. when that plague finds it has no more shit to cling on-to..

    gtfu and clean up.. ..dont leave a mess in your wake..
    moving on... .. Clean Your Mouth.. its gross... You will live longer and become much smarter.. ..Your body will function better, being healthier and less poisoned, by your foul mouth...

    Wet wipe.. its not just for babies.. you cannot dry wipe it all away its not physichemicaly possible.. shit sticks, smears, clings, spreads, stinks... so wet wipe..

    let me give some insight to your orificesphincters entry and exit..

    wipe them.. they are important.

    Clean them.. They are Very Important..

    wash them.. these are the entry to your life firm of body, and the exit from it..

    So sulphor.. that stuff.. what is it? how can it be handled?

    Well.. it mekts at higher temperature than our body can provide.. so it clings to us in its transition phase.. glassTransition.. this is a polymerphase gooey maliable flexable pliable..possibly sticky

    Since its not liquid.. it doesnt rinse well.. since its not solid, it doesnt dust off..

    Lucky for You (or someone else reading or transededly told), Im a material scientist with some solutions for all of us...

    The closer to liquification, the more likely a substance is to mix with other substances, or react, or bond.. so solution of Warm Water, holds more sulphor.. more melts. thus more rinses..

    ..sulphor is a moderate hydrophobe.. so other solutions can work better..

    since it is acid.. alkalines alkyl like metals, calcium , potasium , magnessium , aluminum, sodium , iron , will all solute(disolve,mix,react) sulphor well.. more or less depending on temperature or alkalinity.. copper abd gold or platnum, will not wipe sulphor as well.. they are acidic metaks.. most people and chemists are unaware of this effect, vut it is why they are "nobel metals" ..

    So when you gargle or wipe, with salt water solution, You are warmely disolving the acid sulphor from your pores with liquid solution.. alkyline.

    ..Great.. I think we finely understand how to handle shit a bit better now!

    ps. Sore back?..alkaline salty solution!...hydrate.. and eat less... and brush.

    The reason your toothpaste works, is sodium.. floride has nothing to do with it...

    .should eat that stuff..toothpaste, not floride..

    dont be affraid to gargle toothpaste solution.. it can really neutralize an acidic throat, better tgan alcohal mouthwash. ..

    ..hmm.. supose you coukd wipe your butt with toothpaste too... that extra mintyness may burn a bit fresh..

    another important point i wanted to mention at tge start.. use MILD SOLUTIONS .

    if a caustic burn ..burns.. than a chemical reaction burns more.. so stay mild..

    I think we near all understand enough now, to stay calm and healthy without phobing out hardshitcore..

    moving along.. still following allong? good. perhaps you too will become amongst the first open unmortals.


    priorities and understanding and practice are keys..

    And ive sorted out the top keys.

    Lucky for you huh.

    it was a lifes effort for Me.

    Bathing!!!! Do It! Your life depe ds on it... Seriously...but relax.

    Those deadly germs take time to grow.. so you got time to take it easy..

    and all that nasty acid cauatic alkyl dirt and whatever.. its just physical matter.. its not going to get worse or keep reacting when its done, its not bio.

    Those bioms can grow though.. replicating pretty quick.. per 10 minutes at some best..

    math time.. there is 1 germ on you... it replicates, doubling, every 10 minutes... it takes 10billion before you can see them...as a speck, 1mm×1mm×1mm..

    How Long(&orDuration), before the Germ Replicates enough to KillYou?

    ..1inch? foot? meter?..km? light yrs?.. hours? days? Years? decades? Centuries? Menia? Eons?
    1,2,4,...count along...8,16,32,64,...how many? until detectable?128,256,512,1024,..oooh1000..important mark for base 10...

    Dead yet? detectable?

    ...not even visibly detectable after 1000 of them.. too small to notice..

    what number of replication cycles, was required, to get to 1000?

    1,2 4,8,16,32, 64,128,256,512,1024.

    .1 2 3 4 5, 6 7 8 9 10.

    can count that on each hand..binary.

    10 replication cycles, to get to 1000.. thats, 10×10×10germs

    not too many..we have more mass than that..

    so what duration did it||they require?

    10 minutes × 10 replication cycles is 100 minutes..

    Thats a top tier world record!

    so in its ideal circumstances, without other influencing bodies... it requires 100 minutes(thats over 1 hour), to become a still undetectable still not a problem quantity..

    Scared for your life yet?

    okay so lets not freak out before the hour... but what about after?...

    ...1024,.. 2048

    ×10=10h... 1 024 000

    There thats it it stop math counting! thats 1 million...!!! im going to die now!!??

    ..that would be an invisibly thin 1mm spot.. not even a grain.. 1000×1000×1

    So after a full hour ..or even 10 hrs.. the fastest replicating Single Germ, is still no yet macro issue..

    Therfore if you shower twice each day.. or every twilight(dusk&dawn)positionoftime.. than Your life should be rather cleanly healthy odorfree!..

    though thats starting from an unlikely ONE germ.. reality is dustier than that.. but dont fret... because een if you started with this 1mm its 10 more reps just to a grain.

    ... but oh wait.. 10 hours was a miss calc.. itd be 2... i multiplied the end time by 10.. insteadvof just a linear aditional 10 reps of time...

    its okay mistakes like that are accounted for already.. its still going to be best to shower each twilight..

    3 reps of 10..

    it requires a single germ 10 replications to 1000, therefore 10 replications gets those 1000 to 1 000 000, thus another 10 replications gets that 1M to 1B 1 000 000 000

    1 000 × 1 000 × 1 000 = 1 000 000 000

    see how that works?

    100 minutes 200 minutes 300 minutes..

    thats 5 hours at world record pace.

    but again.. 1 is unlikely.. you will probably encounter 1000 or 1M or 1B or 1T..

    So tge real calc starts from there.. and thus the Lesson..SmallerTheExposures!

    try to avoid diving into new sesspools.

    .But remain calm and normal if you do... it wont give you the same problem as the plaguecrewfools, as long as you implement NormalPractices..

    Problem gone before bed..routine hygene

    ..just dont eat it in quantity.. that could be vomitorily upsetting..

    .. and topically, there is a limit to how much you can be exposed to..you only have so much surface area... so if Maximum contact occired to your Entire Surface..

    2m tall..0.5m dia..

    2m×1.5circ= 3m sq

    and most people are smaller than that... but how many germs can fit on 1m?

    Thats Easy!!

    1000 per mm... 1M per meter.... 1 000 000 × 1 000 000 is 1T per meter sq

    So You see why i didnt say your exposure could start at more than that..

    but i did say km and light years and eons as a q..?.. this is crossing the realm of mathimatical uncertainty of accurate limits, into the crossing of into mathimatical ludicrisodious obviosity...

    1km sq growth dosnt fit.. nor cubic..

    Stay Normal, Stay Calm, Stay Healthy!! ..or you know.. keep tying to get thete.

    ..whats next?? ahh yes... The most Iminent Priorities... Chemical...Than Physics...
    So onto a more imediate Priority.... Your CHRMICAL NEEDS!!!

    Yes, you need chemicals.. More than hygene.. imenently, regardless of sterility..


    its in you.. it is you.. you need it... but it diesnt need you.. so you need to be carefull...

    The most important chemical Your and my life needs in this universe.. is H.. Hydrigen

    get that solute with other VITAL MINERALS, and you will have a body able to rejuvinate itself.!

    There is no such thing as hunger, only thirst.. if its not suluble your body diesnt need it, nor can it use it. .. more vital still.. is
    Morality ABOVE ALL ELSE, is and must be for existance sustaination of Life, MORALITY.. ...All existances beyond a certain quantity, eneviate Life.. Evolution and improvements will always occor, and are the mathimatical more likely outcome. Life without Morality, destroya itself and eachother before reaching higher levels.. ..the higher the levels of improvement the more likely the higher the conscious... ..the higher the conscious, the higher able the moral factor.. the higher able of these levels, the longer symbiot and independant. #EXISTANCEBEYONDONE ... is better endless.. like all infinite potentials.
    I look forward to having a home no one can throw me out of.. ..I wouldnt kill for a home, to get one... .. but at this rate, i will be close to killing someone who throws me out of one... as my life is on the line most cases when they do, so inconsiderately. there is a persona of being, our dna no longer needs..


    ...There is Nothing in All Existance of Solid Elemental Matter, ..Hotter than CarbonMechanics

    I need to start Carbon Forming..


    sweet. Macaroniwagon. Grambreadhousement?..no just the hot or dry stuff.. though carbon works wet repelent for some time. Custom shapes castable mud or dough.. strength dependancey nay vary (k)need or cast material.





    SciPonderings 3_7 : taboosaboo.neocities.org/ScienceInTheRough/Ponderings/3_7th_PonderingSci

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  • John , Artist of : SymphonyOfScience
  • SymphonyOfScience , By John B.
