Proto Alphabitstencil

// SciVeg Alphabitstencil fontography
// NV,SA,BY,IF$1%

Proto Versions: v01, v02, v03, v04 v05 ;

Stable Versions: this is V1 , ..V2 to come.. svg anticipated , V3 true font type?
Inbetween Versions: V1.v01 is the next Stable_proto before V2 aft V1.

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Proto Alphabitstencil

// SciVeg Alphabitstencil fontography
// NV,SA,BY,IF$1%

2310, 30,7,11

Canvas.width !-- -!+ ? !-->



alphabit (wdth lft strt,hght+ln==3sz+1,sz)

Okay, so the stencil font should measure as, 1/3rd max line width and default, based on 3×3 block space. and that max should hold to larger block sizes for aesthetic reasons of legibility and SciVeg's style recognition. if block is 15×15, max line width standard should be 5.
// s & e require 5 verticle minimum..
//5×5 is now the minimum block requisite
//Therfore 1to5 is 25 per block, 75 per column lower case
//Upper case should be suficable
//Thus W and M will not be wider than w and m, only taller
//3rd or 5th line width max, for partial or full alphabit
["prime factors",1,2,3,5,7,11],  
["2nd factor",["1s"..],["2s",2,4,6,10,14,22],["3s",3,6,9,15,21,33],["5s",5,10,15,25,35,55],["7s",7,14,21,35,49,77],["11s",11,22,33,55,77,121]],  
["3rd factors",[1s&1s=1s],["1s & 2s",=="2s"],[1s & 3s,==3s],[1s &5s==5s],[1&7s==7s],[1s&11==11s]],

["4th factors",[],[],[],[],[],[]],