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its my 3.8thdecera today. Its time to start a new connection of SciPonderings!.. ~ am 5:45

#Reinvented #CogglessWheel

  • Wheel and pin strings.
  • So i reinvnted the cog wheel this morning..
    ..because, let's face it.. It Needed it!

    So many gear gripoints is sooo over labouriously anoying! Ease of fab please!

    i had considered fins, discs slots and slide it in.
    easiest i coukd figure.

    I went further.. drop the gears or fins... i want lever simple. no slot grove notch or welding...not everything is weldable..nor easy to notch.. Discs or lever simple, 1 pin logic.

    In mind, because its faster than i could get pieces to try; i figured two discs, 1 large 1 small.
    . pin together, as they rotate on the same flat side by side.

    but this is imposible, as the pin distance varies between their each rotational radius distance.

    this method is thus repaired by string and or spring.
    originaly i wanted to lever the disc one way, than another, so two perpindicukar levers were required, and i also figured 3 but was challenging.

    levering the disc manualy in mind, than wanting a mechanism to lever the disc for me, led to consider, another disc to do that task.

    the levers slid through a loose fulcrum.

    but this requires 2nd drive wheels at different locations, for each lever.

    So pin direct...
    quarter turn.. but imposible solid gap varience..
    ad another pin for the next turn chunk.. repeat..
    ..then repair the impossible solid gap..stickhinges/chain/string/spring? and that Solved it.
    ..i think.

    well its am 620.. maybe ill have a proto or drawing, before or after breakfast or & a shower.
    though a repeatition would eventualy require higher z dimensions to pin the strings..?.. so 2 may be best, 1 on each side, pribabley perp angle... but thats impossibke too!! the axles in the way on the other side, but pining the other other side creates a snare!!! NNNOOOoooo!... ima try it neway. 1 isnt enoufgg.. nned 2.
    and arms are simpler than discs.
    ..Proto img ..
    ..conclusion: gets tangled..

    unless the pins are flat and dis-hingable on pass or indefinatley, and alternated top dishinge bottom dushinge ,as needed, over or under, it wont operate without, its a tangle.


  • Magnetism is stronger than electrostatic force, as imediately perscievable.
  • the same voltage and length of wire will show more magnetic force than compared to electrostatic force. Magamps per volt.


  • What goes up, is by a force.
  • A water bottle , with an upsidedown cup on it..

    Do not pull air through too quickly , keep the flow low , prevent dust force .

    beyond gravity , and electrostatic , dust requires a force to move a direction .

    #AntiPathoticFunding #ReversableFunding

  • Start with a Large Set Fund ,say $1M:
    Shelters: 5% PAY LOSS, Per homeless person.
    Hospitals: 1% Pay Loss, per accute.
  • Stop Paying More for Mality numbers. #ReversableFunding

    Message from #Majesty#Ameliorator


  • The force to unfurel a single hair.
  • I Declare This, is a #STANDARD #UNIT of ##MEASURE.

    Simply torque or untorque a hair bend.

    Example : I placed a single hair of my beard, curled around one torque arm of the convection spinfin, and found 1Hair of torque force energy was required for its motion.


  • Persistance to say stupid and especialy inncorect things, While persisting to pretend or believe they are not wrong.
  • #Annoying. #Hindering. #Hazardous. #Uncooth. #Pesimistic , not to be confused for skeptic, they are not, they are anti if pesimis, idiocraticaly biased. #yuppers.#nayers.#WontAdmit #BeingWrong.#TheProblem. ..#Clueless and #Certain. Somebody call a Vet. These stray minded humanimals, are (un)practicaly foaming nonsense from their mouth.

    wouldBe~WontBe~Are. (in)falably#TortuosPeople


  • Tort can be tricky..right __ or __ wrong .
  • I do not Wear ties
  • I am not wearing a tie
  • I am not wearing this tie.
  • I am not wearing this tie which is presently draped over my neck and shoulders.
  • Do you see the tort? Understandable? yes or no?

    To "wear ties" is a multiplex statement. 1 it is not tied. 2 it is 1, not 2 or more.
    Tortuos yes?

    thus understanding that first point, the rest follow.

    Science is realisticly similar. When You're able to (senseabley) undress the first button, the rest more sensabley follow.

    #PegCylinder #PegBelt

  • #simple.
  • #Diy #Gear


  • Light is not a wave.. it is a diameter
  • the questioon?: why does some colour pass, other doesnt, some bends..

    the answer is not a wave. though wave make it over or around differing materialsize, light is passing, no, conducting, too well influenced by the material,

    what else passes particle spacing of diferent density, other than a perfect wave in a non perfect alignment of particles...???? not a wave.

    holes? little shifting gaps between mass particle fields.

    a diameter of light field must fit..

    it is a ring


    light is the ring of field reciprocal of gravitational field mass particals and heat emission radiance.

    Another Perpindicular reciprocal force.

    had to think outside the matter and holes betweeen.

    Light goes through if its ring is large enough or small enough.

    light bends if its ring size is too close and nudges.

    These rings are thick

    probably bigger than we see... its light weight, the far field will be motioning.

    If Hydrogen is Huge, the Larges Particle... than Light is Faaaar Grander around & throughout.

    Light spans more distance than hydrogen, per any normal unit of time, thus is less d ense over a greater arrear during that moment...

    if you look at the BBIIG PICTURE....this is all slow..

    light is millions of meters huge..per instant second.

    Our percieved particles are at what is like the fulcrum of light, millions of meters away.

    therfore barely an jota motion occurs between.

    its just slowly cocooning around all fields of existing field of matter force. .of the entire spacial system, or universe.

    when it reflects... it hit Large!!!!!

    ..i supose that may be why light apears vivid here to us at fields of particular overlace.. thesunbeslammin'.
    i supose when the light absorbs, it fit just right and got stuck, not just torque nudged.
    ..thus why emitance spectrums and emision spectrums are NEAR the same!!!

    ...I JUST DISCOVERED LIGHT!!! What it is! how and why it does what it does... bas on its shape realised interaction spacialy to other mass particals of mass field, around or through them. Relative to already known fields.

    Believe it or not,
    its axiom.
    if a particle is a particle.. then light emits from its surface, thus a ring shape all the way around it.
    or a field, still around everything..
    either way, light is a ring!

    Now I just PROVED , LIGHT IS A RING.
    I would Like to Requesite Stipends now. at least $5e per season.


  • What is the Shape of All Matter?
  • Movingbon from the shape of light... which i previously deduced and proved is a ring. onto a bigger or smaller more literaly "Universal Shape"...

    What is the shape of it all? i intend to figure it.!

    or at the very least, make a realy nifty multidirectional conncetion bit. for building with. #MTRXDOTS

    3.8th 1/11th

    [^] #AllSpinIsSame

  • There is no such thing as clockwise or counter clockwise..

    If the clock clear.. the marks just dots or none.

    Turn it around, or view at the other side perspective.


    Spin has only 1 dimension..


    or its not.

    .. any regular spin is just oriented, to a different perspective..

    If ALL perspective angles are used. They will All Match. Any Other Spin.

    We are therefore 1 dimensional.

    no matter where you turn, this is true.

    the rest is objective relativity.

    [^] #ReplicableToReplicable

  • @Aristotle LifeTotLife or ReplicationToReplication.. thus eventual changes
  • Its not spontaneous.. its enivitable.

    ANY replicable Matter will transend attributed traits.

    Eventual differences occur

    Favoured changes continue replicably with favour.

    This may|will continue.


  • "SHUT UP, You are stupid,(and wrong, more importantly), [Get Over it,(and Yourself), Let the correction through]."
  • This is what I feel like saying to stupid beligerent argumentitively wrong people.

    disfavourably enough though, those are actually their words duuurect to Me.. except for the bracket parts..


    To any Stupid Or Intelligent Person or People of what ever range of Intellect degree.

    Try My Game of Arguments!

    its like those other "emotionless" games, you beligerent some one or group deemed your foe, or otherwise, paint them with lolypops or rifles for all i care, if thates your flavour of lust or lack sense emotion.

    Irregardless, the conncept is simple and much the same as all other monopolizing desensiting dogmatizing brainwashing games... Someone has number.. its bigger than yours. If you strike them, You lose..

    but there it is.. gave away the cult-ture again did i?.. heres the dif.. ..its a bit more realistic, like those other games.. anyone can best anyone.. go ahead try your argument.

    Heres an example... right or wrong... what do you think? or do you?

    character 'NotAFool' , says:
    a. " I think you are dumb if you say the sky is blue. "
    b. "Up is not Down."

    example 2 , IsAFool , says:
    " I think you have a keen eye, if see the sky as cyan blue."

    example 3 , MathWizzedOut , says : " 1 + 1 is variable. 2in 1 hand is not equal to 2 on the floor, yet half of 5 id halve not 1 more."

    example 4 Character 'NotSoBadSeed' , says:
    a. 3+3 is not more than 5whole.
    b. 1-3 cannot be a defficit of apple.
    c. a 5 pound apple is less than 7 half pound apples.
    d. Disambiguation is always more or less accurate.
    e. 1<3.

    example 5 character HardHeadeed , says :
    a. standing under this rock is safe.

    each character strikes 3, for false arguments. grant +0.1 for each agreeance. emotionaly damage -0.1 for any argguments even correct. +0.2 for accepted corrections.

    you have 2 health.
    1+ health granted per correct correction.

    -1 for false agreeance.
    +1 for correct agreeance.

    -1 health per false correction.

    fairly basic or ambivalent or disambiguas. it hardly matters..
    ..the point is.. people are angry stupid and might swing hard, if wrong or not. And in reality eating ones own words can be more or less a metaphor in a fictitious setting moreso.

    In reality.. bacon wont save you.

    point being, make a point, or lose a point.

    whatygot to lose whatygot ta gain?

    dynamic.. each character repropogates, with or without corrections.

    like gun fingers?.. be reborn around others with many gun fingers, then ask for a tissue to blow your nose.

    if for example.. it chosen to agree with notafool. saying "yes" to up is not down.

    avoids strike of 3, gains 0.1, gains +1. total health goes to 3.1.

    if We want to disagree|correct, the upside down notafool, than We need prove the dynamic of argument if we have one.

    simply selecting no, will not win a PROPPER ARGUMENT.

    Proof Is Required..

    or they might strike, or fall over trying.

    it is of no propper behavior to strike on petty arguments.
    nor threat it..
    but this is a real world terrorist cult of real murder violence and mastication, with life slave entrapment profiteering, amonst other things (drugs,retardations,environments, habitualdiseases,etc), and these are the games.

    Basicaly is what im getting at, Any Argument or Argreeance may be more or less correct or not, by from or to ANY PERSON|group|individual|etc..

    if youre correct youre correct. if youre wrong youre wrong. if they are wrong or right, they are wrong or right. get over it.

    regardless of emotionaly disordered falicey, an over hanging stone may still hold weight, regardless who does or not argue it.

    its your move. make the correct ones, please.

    there are 2 main directions, from any perspective.. toward or away... as arguments of reality|fiction: truth or falicey.

    I want people to know the difference.

    I would like to live in a world, where it is SAFE to Agree|Disagree, with eachother, without having stick our head under any or eachothers stones of perception should they fall of any weight at all.

    an idiocracey is no safe place, not for friendship nor interlocketer. Especialy with heavy gavels. Life is less forgiving, if arguing with stones of size.

    So i should set, that a person must be able to survive an argument with a stone. If interlocketing with life.

    I would like to use such basic quiz things to sift back whom i should not need speak with or be near.

    Topical sifts.

    Boss Battle|Coop, Agrree|Disagree:

    Boss says, "Dont Do Anything Hazardous."

    Tribunal says , "You have the right to say No to dangerous or Hazardous acts, without persecution."

    Boss supplies You, with a broken ladder, missing a foot leg .

    Boss pays You , $0 , if you do the job or not.

    CoWorker Throws hammer at anotherCoworker's head(2nd boss), arguing, wanting indian cigarettes.

    Drunk Electrician, tells You to cut through live high voltage line.

    2nd boss says they shut off breaker.

    School said to check breakers off for self, no matter who says, and to take it out and lock it out, for maintenance, and take key.

    Telling 2nd boss what school says, makes them angry..

    questioning drunk electrician, with electric molten hole in their pliers, agitates them.

    Touching two ends of line together sends sparks of brilliant proof.

    arguments averted.. the ladder, is set outside the 2 story open door.

    its a far van ride back home with no extra seat or seat belt.

    they are trying to kill..by degrees of narrowpathic choice control

    option 1 agree, risk dying.. option 2, disagree, risk being killed, or left mid nowhere, etc.

    Threats are made about saftey personel.

    Tribunel is backed up.

    say, Enjoy your job bosses. pay them $0. Watch them work. Peel sticker from installed door.


    years later a crew member breaks back, when a roof, stacked on a ladder, falls.

    1+1 is irelivant, if comparisons cannot be correctly made.

    Ignoring a problem, or correcting a problem can be hazardous..

    Thats my point i am forced willing to make.

    but it shouldnt be, so hazardous or difficult to make corrections..
    those difficulties should have died off eons ago with the makers of such unrelenting problems..

    .. a bbody whom gets violent with someone else who tries to get them to wear a harness, if they are going to walk a beam.. then walk off the end already generations ago, and they did. this ongoing problem doesnt make sense. it should be extinct already.. common surviving sense should overwhelmingly prevail.

    the need for these games is redundent, and should no longer be required.. just listen to common offered correct sense. and reject common or uncoomen noncorrect nonsense.. stop getting angry at Good Advise. Try somthing more practical.. like try Hating Bad and Hazardouse advises that try to cause the Hazardous Bad thing by outright promotion of it , Hate on that.


    example HarmfulLunatic , says :
    a. its just a tool, only a weapon if used for its manufactured intention.
    b. 15 + 0 is 15.
    c. Its My choice [ignoring its not their body or life they claim] .

    to agree or change(?), that is the question.

    If they disagree with everything I do and advise, then Id like to walk away.... from a cliff edge... ..and advise they do the same.. Go vegan or better. learn conscienceous values and some Real Science like what we and objects are (chemistry). physics falls and such.. lift the spirit to that.
    MadScientist says
    a. " ALL You NEED are MORALS , Chemistry , Physics ."
    b. "Harm is Crime."
    c. asked what's up? replies "The opposite dirrection of the majority force of gravity, as percieved by those in the majority force of the field , is up."
    d. offeres conundrum, "This statement is a Lie.. That statment is Truth."
    e. "The weakest surrive, amongst a species whom hurt themselves and eachother."

    [^] #BuisnessProblem

  • THE PROBLEM, with most ALL BUISNESSES, is they are isolate based.

    This knowledge Will bring an End to Monopolization.

    Your're All Welcome.

    Aloha World.
    So I walk into a store.. 1 dollar store is Not Connected to the other dollar stores in town.. I must travel seperately too them..
    I go online... same thing. They Sell Only Their Own Inventory.
    Buisness who have Successfully broken this model are, EMAIL , ONLINE MARKETPLACES , ETRANSFERS. probably some more too.
    Going onto social media, its not cross adaptable yet like email... or sharing videos on one platform isolates the media to that site only. .. its not an OPEN WEB yet.

    Take notice. Make the conscienceous shift.

    TabooSaboosEndorsements Values and shares buisness of Many.

    But I will go still further.. My Buisness Will eventual be paying the customers.

    Not all the third party buisnesses I endorse will pay others... but I will. and the ones whom best align, will make TabooSaboosEndorsements top Markets Spots.
    Further, it can be noticed..
    Money is a Very Petty Comodoty!

    Lack of coin , is an unreasonable comodoty to be barred by.

    TabooSaboo's DirectEndorsements, Are typicaly Free. Fees are usualy optional, for most services, unless choosing a service with real expenses _ & if those expenses are not already covered by a completed equity.

    The Best things in life, really are free.

    [^] #eq2024

  • Speaking of Completed Equity.. 1year from less than $0.98 to over $20.00 monthly.
  • wouldBe over $30.. thus $1 daily.. but some tricky interests were played .

    around fall autumn, the plans shifted, possibly targetivly. It took a full season just to catch up to the same.. they obviously calculated what they were doing, with the interest shift.. and split the shift.. to the penny.

    The shifts are not looking stable or favorable anymore, the Essential $0 or $4 for me.. or $0 at 1% .. instead if the public 3.5% ..

    .. so im looking for more stable accounts.
    If You're a Canadian and want a versitile spending savings account and credit debit card, usable most any canadian retail, than This account was great. Even the support was great, I even beta tested some features with them, since near after startup.

    Overall I really enjoyed this account, and it has helped Alot.

    Here's a referal, if You wanna try it: KH5N5AAB

    it's got loads of free benifits,
    but based on what I see.. The Best things in life are Free..

    fees lead to degradations of performances and services, in attempt to narrowpathicaly drive customers to higher prices.

    #Truth #Wisdom #Proof

    Stick with free.

    Fools are aparted from their gold , was a proverb.. as was, let those whom want to be fooled be fooled..or fighting for ones disabilities gets to keep them.

    Many had hard times believing, free things.. being coin worshipers.

    It is Likewise, My Own Model, TabooSaboosEndorsements..To heist prices and degrade services, while giving instead a greater comparative and available alternative of Free Choices.

    Better direct people to better free choices, and away from the coin trap models.

    Reaching Freedom, will ironically grant Me Great Riches.

    I am certain, to be a shining model, of that, I can Prove Promise and Guarantee.

    As much as My Own Life is able.

    As can We All.

    Earn some equity, stop overspending.

    1 , 2 , 3, ..
    Free Usage & APY

    [^] #0thDimension

  • I think We are 0Dimension Existential Beings.
  • Our dimensions are only rekative to ouselves abd eachother..

    All interaxtions are.. OBJECTUVEKY RELATIVE.

    There are no yet cross dimension relativities

    outside of our Object Relative Space.
    You nor I or any matter..can spin.. without the other.

    Direction or motion.. is Relative

    not existential..

    [^] #FPO #FreePublicOnline

  • www and http https, are stupid and annoying.
  • There are Genuinly Alot of things of this World, that I Absolutely Loathe and Hate.. this is one of them.

    BUY YOUR Domain..

    There are Alot of Problems , preditated with that.

  • If its MY DOMAIN...why the f@#$ am i Buying my OWn domain.. how the fa&" did anybody else get it to sell to me?!
  • They are facking liers!.. Its not a faking Purchase! its a Temporary RENTAL FEE, which they intend to HIKE LATER, or stick you there unable move fee.

    stick "index.html" in a folder.

    Copy the dir.

    Share that directory!

    voila, Your Domain.
    This system is rubish.. We NEED FREE PUBLIC!
    Too many month to month Lunatic Cults , Developing for coin scheme client narrowpaths.


    We Need FPO.

    [^] #ProblemedFactors MathIsBroken

  • sqaure vs exponent.. NOT THE SAME!
  • Math is broken, by so many ways. it is unreliable to reality, by many Factors.

    SQUARE ROOT OF 1 IS 0.3. or more acuratly 1/3rd.

    Fact of reality. stack a square

    However... by FACTOR..0.3 multiplied 0.3 is 0.1..

    Major Difference..

    This is why I prefer to write My Own Math functions, instead of pre built in calcutulators.. i find pre built calculators have unfixable errors, and do not always perform correctly, quite often in fact.

    Like Square root functions

    for example.. or using Pythagoras... or Pi.. These are UNRELIABLE POSTULA FOMULI.

    but working my own function to use 2 formula of these 3 i do not like using, resulted as such..

            function rt(num){
        log("root function");
        if(a*a==num){return a}//if 1
        if(a*a==num){return a}
        //a*a is now < num
        //a*1 is NOT GREATER than a
        //a*1*a==a*a is < num
        //therefore mult MUST BE 2 or More
       //neither a nor mult can be 0.
       //a cannot reach 0.
        if(A*A==num){return A}
        log("A:"+A + " , mult:" + mult + " , b[q]:"+b[q]+" , a:"+a);
        if((A+(a*mult))^2==num){return (A+(a*mult))^2}
    ..im circumnavigating pi.. by using pythagoras.. by using square roots.. but im only factoring.. not true square stacking.. just trying to save computations getting each digit.. faster is halfing each digit back and forth, but im just 10 and one stepping. its practice in math code formulation. this is for a circle compas drawing canvas prototype.. CircleScribe

    presently writing this its before v0 version zero. but draws rings under finger tap or click, with a table of coords. logos on top of pagr, link at bottom.. pretty standard.

    I intend to circumnavigate yet again, voiding both pythagoras and square roots, And Pi too.. by calculating slopes.
    factoring the angular rotaion through slope as well, voiding 360, in favor of 1.. then further coordinating the grids via PRIME MATRIXES for smooth geometric transitions. so angles and distances of, 0,1,2,3,6,30,210,2310 . and i shouldnt need a higher degree of accuracy than that for now... I may also need incorporate half of 9 and 7. or half 18 and 14, being 9&14. or 9 and 7*2.. 2,3,7 = 36.. 5 may or not be a needed factor. 30 may be voidable.. otherwise 210 incorporates.. (3*3):(7*2) to 210.. (7:9)*210 == 1470:1890 ... half 9.. 1470:945

    So there it is.. that was close..on divy.. THE MAGIC RATIO.


    That is horizontal basemid , to vert height , of an equal triangle.

    .. as measured.

    This is without logical proof, just the measurment and factor.

    .. another postula formuli flawed by observable reality.

    Ive tried measuring in dreams before.. and noticed waking up, it was unrealistic, though observable.

    anyway.. back to start statement.. math is failable, when the factors do not match the real function.
    Reality is a Matrix.. Math is another.
    The matrx of real geometry, may or not sync with the math we choose.

    REAL NUMBERS, are very important.

    A good base, goes along way.

    [^] #EvilHasRetardations

  • Comparatives, Colourblindness, Numbers and Qualitations, Survival.
  • Rapid Extinction.

    Whats a comparative?... Whats good or bad? a number?..

    the colour of 1 or three has no smell difference. ..ambivalent dysync.

    ridiculousness abountifull.

    anyway.. to the real stuff.. lwts say 1 or 2 are chances.. Defend or attack.. lets say 3 or 97 are the chances.. go ahead, pretend physcopathy has the advantage that much..

    one may be tempted wrongly...

    a smart group of people know better..

    put 2 people together.. what do they choose? attackbor defend?..

    repeating this patter largely through a population results in attacker extinction..

    if attacking has a 97% success chance.. and Deffending only has 3% chance.. how is that possible?


    Here is how.. whwthere or not they can see or hear eachother of total semslessness is irrelitive... success chance is irreletive...

    Main factocor, is Any Chance of a strike.. is a perishable chance.

    continual chances eniviate the end.

    defence lives infinitaley. without risking a stike.. thus never recieves recoil.

    attack lives 97% of the time.

    thats 1/30 chance loss.

    defense groups dont strike..

    0 chance.

    Defenders are not taking the risk, the attacker is.

    if Still uncertain, You probably share the disorder, and its alot to take in, if unoticed so long somehow..

    Consider a group of 30.. get it now?

    if a group of attackers are together there is a 97% they will extinct..

    there is a 3% the last one surrvives.

    but thats by those odds right? .. maybe You preffer 50:50?.. ..derp.

    Fact is.. no matter the odds...

    group A cant continue.
    or pretty much..
    this is where more retardations set it..
    a population who endlessly attacks themselves and eachother..
    only the feeble and weak can survive.. no more super strike.
    perhaps they lose senses, senseless is the phrase. unable to see hear or comunicate with eachother. Elsewise be target, of those with the sense, feeble or not.

    conclusion:evel no matter the spelling, is enevitably xnd initialy retarded.

    [^] #AngleOfAcuteDeferance

  • acuity of existence.
  • at "Some angle".. all are acute afar..

    that is actualy i meant the other.. at some dustance all are acute..

    this defines the acuity of existance.

    Left Up Right Down..

    maybe more or less dir is pref.

    at what dist is it acute of dif?
    object is relativity.
    all observable is measurable.
    q: does it interact?
    At what measure?

    what acuity does this interaction reveal?

    [^] #PinappleAndSalt

  • Dont mix nor eat PinappleAndSalt..
  • owe, my cheeks, gums, tongue , and teeth..

    Pinapple and salt, is rather a corrisive combination. and can be felt imediatly, upon mixing and tasting.

    This is more of an OBSERVATION & ADVISORY.. rather than a Pondering

    [^] #VegQuest

  • A combination of Comunity Services, For Vegethical Members.
  • Request a ride or delivery.
  • Buisness or marketplace posts
  • Social Networking or Dating
  • An idea, for TabooSaboosEndorsements, SciVeganEnterprises.

    [^] #TriRatio

  • 30:30:30 , vert 26 from mid base
  • this is tricky..0 is one..

    ..so 31 , 27 may be more acurate.. but using a ruler from zero, it reads 30,26.

    And considering 10 is another 0 one and 20 and 30.... 34,29 by a truer numeric.. but then missing the tenth digit no 0 repeats...0, 123456789 11

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
    31 32 33 34

    more truely 34,29

    30 was convienient, being factor of primes 1 2 3 5.. however.. 7 was yeilded in initial measure, of 9,7. but 4.5 to mid base from 9..

    Fortunately 14 and 7 are both on the way to 30.. divising well, to eachother and sum, but not to 30.

    however the measure of 7 does not factor to 26 nor 30..

    3 factors to 30. but 7 is off when scribed and measured from the wall marker sheet. ..42 base could skip 5..

    without mathimatical PROOF, I cannot determine which measure, is more or less acurate..

    I only know the base must be halfway.
    I had attempted 9 doubled.. but the shared point was confusable.. as was 7 to 14.. is 0 one? is 7 doubled a shared point from 0 again, or ongoing, or non shared?
    .. basicaly it didnt measure same, the sides were not equal the way i did it... using a grid of 7, then overlapping it and dotting 7 again..

    likewise i made another grid to compensate, failing again..

    I have yet to scribe the equal triangle on a square grid.. ..

    trying again, including 7.. 210 would be idea factor.. but 7 yeilded 6 hight.

    so thats good. 7:7:7,&6

    measuring 9 again.. got 7.7 height..

    6 yeided 5.1 high

    other tgan that maybe good measure of 7:6.. this must be logically solvable.. and 7 if 6 makes sense, consudering circkes stack 6 around 1..

    6*7=42.. measured 42 mm scribe, marked equal triangle.. base height 36mm.

    36/6=6 , 42/6=7.. Proportion is consistant.

    The answer as measured is 7:7:7 ~ 6.


    So based on this, an equal hexagon, is always 2 Equal Truangle bases through the Diameter..

    Every Vertex Across, is 2radius or 14.
    the paralel heights are 2 stacked.. so 12.

    Therfore a Hexagon is 14 wide, 12 high.

    An equal triangle, from base going up, reduces inward each side 1/2.. or 1 ttl.

    equal triangles are divyable to 7:6

    and wedgably calculable, by step of 1.

    Stacked, and centered, that is an equal triangle.

    Aside from the 7:6 ration... which still has no logical proof..

    ..the stack does have logical proof.
    I might be getting closer.. .. so the more acute angle, holds the longest side

    angular divisability is important..

    sum squarability is useful if using pythagoras..

    and triabiliy.. is the goal..

    ..So..again, DIVISABILITY, is mastered only by the PRIMES

    than again.. sq sq sq tri tri tri... may be better than prm prm prm prm...

    8*27=216; close to 210.. prime 2,3,5,7

    Likwise.. prime matrix 30, *3 =90×2=180×2=360 ... what we use today

    360/5 is 72. ..5 divises only once... maybe becuase we are on average too dumb for 5 divised geom. let alone draw or derive to it.


    Well there it is.. 900..

    ..but reality, is greater than 900..

    wanna know how I know???



    ..Because..7 !


    if anything..skip5

    thatll be next



    just like that..
    now without 5..




    tgerefore 1764 is very significant.. and is also therefor a product of 42*42.

    ..Did I just square the answer to the universe life and everything?

    ..its looking like the aswer realy was 42, to the first degree... We are one dimension closer to FULL REALITY..

    May want to cube it to get to 3d...once..without dirivable redundancey

    .. otherwise cinsider the FIRST PLANE OF EXISTANCE, Geometrically..

    That is to say, the FIRST PLANE OF EXISTANCE..Has three points of dimension..

    And on that plane.. figures may geometrucise from the same size..

    in all 3 dimensional plane directions.. redundively.. where 1 is surrounded by 6

    1*2*3*7*1*2*3*7*1*2*3*7= == 42^3

    AllPlanesOfMatter.. OfOurExistance.. MUST DIVISE WITHIN THESE METRICS.

    ..save 5..

    The 5th factor dimension..

    ..its interesting the 5th dimension is the 4th.

    ..so 10 or 20 may be more fitting initialy as may 30 for 3rds.

    ..Lets factor them all into our existance.. just incase the 5th dimension facotor is in fact found to exist within our heometric realm of all initial materialy geometric existance.

    Trig figuring is going far..so far..

    1*2*3*5*7 = 30 *1*2*3*5*7= 900 *1*2*3*5*7= 27000 == 30^3


    ..wow.. its ACTUALLY EASIER, to factor, without skipping 5... but thats probably only because our base digits are 10, 2*5..

    It shifted.. the measure is now 8:8:8 & 7 ...

    [^] #AveragePhyscopathy

  • Im starting to notice, whats wrong with most people..

    Being in a Homeless shelter, in Lindsay Ontario.. really prounounces the observation further..

    its not strictly limited to the shelter bounds, but its certsinanly at a high concentration, both per person, and per elevation of degrees.

    The problem is , We have this brain thing.. and it can determine good or bad ... but seems to get stuck in fucked up mode.
    Mixing a FRUIT WITH A FRUIT???!.. That doesnt seem like a good idea????!... fucked up mode..


    Fuck÷d up mode!

    ..people Who CANNOT ACCEPT, HELPFUL INPUT... are inFuckedUpMode

    This is what ive refered to throughout the years as, TOO STUPID TO EXIST.

    Please do us the favour, and refuse|accept the life saving/benificial advice than, step away from the cliff. Stay off the ice. Dont stand uder heavy objects. Stay Sober.

    When somebody is destitue of mind soo badly..

    Its one thing if their mental destitution, is only causing their own griefs... but it is rarely the only case.

    The mental hazards of one body, are like to affect another.

    Please do not refute these advises, GoVegan , BeKind , Respect , Consideration .
    ..Reciprocation.. can be either BenifitOrConsiquence.

    All actions have a reciprocal event.

    The mind, has many events..

    [^] #TrimetricDrift #TrimetricShift

  • it shifted to 8:8:8 & 7
  • ..no longer 7:7:7 & 6 ...

    #EvidanceAgainstReality .. doesmemory fade? perhaps than a dream. without a solid state of historability.?

    Well maybe the universe amorphs.. when lacking Logical Proof.. being a MENTAL DEVIANT of deltable existance..

    the measure..it can also count as 9&8 , if 0thisnt0
    it was 9&7... then 30&26 .. than 7&6 .. now 8&7..

    [^] #FactorOfMethod #OffFactor #Repeatition

  • 235:3
  • DisProof: 3:99 , 102 , 198 , 201 , 231, 234

    Making Large General Factorizations, to base digit, Reaplied to the next incriment, by its off factor.
    210:7 , 314:7 , 714:7

    since 210 and 714 are true, 314 is false.

    300 will not divise 7. as 30 does not.
    therefore +14 is from a different offfactorincrement.

    350:7 is true, as is 7 less.. 280


    [^] #VariableSymbol SyntextNonNegative

  • x=+|-
  • If a Negitive, is UNPROVEN, then I will not have REAL NEED. Thus will refute its use..
    ..Therefore.. A variable shift of arithmatic symbols is|are required.

    #ExistentialNumbers are ALL POSITIVE, and can be subtracted from, divided from , by shift or elimination, to a Minumum of zero.
    Indifferently, can be created or shufted by addition or multiplacation.
    Variable Transdimension from numbers to symbols of operation..
    Differential to this context|syntext, is The Variable Transdimension of CONTEXT Itself.

    ..next Up Variability of Context and RealLife Applications...

    [^] #SexualDimensions

  • toomany RidiculouslyUnsexyEquations.
  • My objective here, is to Deduce and Seduce..

    The phrase was from a pdf compaction software adv, "RidiculouslyUnsexy".
    thus reminded me to write the sexy dimensions I wanted to write about, and incorporate..RL.

    .. So.. bending a gal over, can be a real artform. There are variables to consider.

    One stratagy, is to TRANSDIMENSIONALISE OUR DESIRED ACTIONS. Openly at best!

    For example.. If I wanted to massage a ladies head into my lap..

    There are transdimensional actions to enable doing such.

    as a variable, we can call this sexual transdimensial action an "activity".

    in this case, such as, hair colouring.. or shampooing.
    .that covers the action vaiable with the activity.. but as for the physical location dimension..

    We can introduce another variable dimension. We can call this Sexual Transdimensional Variable, a "setting".

    For example, PlacementSetting.

    a placement setting of a chair and a seating cushion at footbase.

    is a simple way to accomplish such, for the hair colour massage..

    This may lead to ink lap location.

    the Shapoo Activity|Setting Variable, may be more comonly available, and more easily lead to other SexualDimensions more fluidly.

    Though without a seat or cushion, with a typical shower placement setting, it would be possible, say outside..
    .. and eases more easily to the Variable of ACCEPTANCE, of proposed activity.

    However, in a greater case of Acceptance Variable Expression, a regular shower scenario may more easily transendimension activities, even without cushion or chair seating.

    ..simply having bathing suits, on or availble, can lend to greater Acceptance Variable, likewise an outdoor shower. .Where in, either case, may become easier to simply massage ones head and more willing bend them, to many sexual dimensions.
    Beyond this.. I would like to Incorporate ScientificSeductions, to more Activities and Lessons.

    [^] #SexyActiviies #Lessons

  • Lifting weight.
  • Lifting weight can be overtly an outright acceptably fun sexy lesson.

    Simply lifting a willing female, up and down rapidly.

    but how to do this? without a dumbel of experience, nor forearm diameter..?

    By Scientific Apllication of Course!

    Theremay be maaanny ways.

    here are some to consider..
  • Tensile strength
  • Leverage
  • Fluid dynamics
  • Solidstate materials
  • Gyroscopics
  • Or we could have people climb onto us, like a rope, while holding onto a strong pullup|monkey|gymnastic|structural bar..

    possibly holding both their entire weight and our own, indeffinately, even with just one hand.


    Scientifuc Aplication!

    Materialscience, is an amazing thing!.

    !!!Lift Like a Scientist!!!

    Materialscientific moto:"If its matter, I can handle it."

    And that may be exactly how.. Handle it.

    a simple clasp hook handle, say attatched to or through the sleeve.

    A well deserved glove can cover this well, some slieght of hand.

    Some GREAT IDEAS! Search Anotoly, or Veritasiums hammer

    A trick prop can go a long way.
    Like Thors hammer..
    with a gyroscopic secret inside..
    Or try holding a chair with|for somebody, with a quitly spinning disc hidden underneath.
    .Maybe a lab jacket.. ..
    that super imbues a Knowledgable Scientist, with super power(s).. beyond just handling fire.

    No props?..

    That shouldnt be too much of a problem, for a WellPracticed Scientist.

    Scientific Techniques, can go A Loong Way.

    For example..
    want to one arm lift double?.. or maybe more?


    No problem..

    I just invented the perfect technique for such a thing..

    beware of your back and bone limits though of course..

    This technique involves, Leveraging, using Your own body. And Doubling Your arm, before the lever is even applied..



    The "pouty bird stance".

    By anchoring Your hand, firmly to hip, you combine the upper arm and lower arm together.. Effectively, DOUBLING ONE ARM..

    flap flap..

    Beyond that, We now have a pivot point, a fulcrum , two actualy.. One at hip, the other at shoulder..

    So max load torque is at elbow, and thus Greatest Load Lift, can be applied nearer the pivots fulcrum..
    That is to say, nearer the wrist or shoulder.. Thus, if We choose our own one arm technique, in a friendly compitition.. guess who likeley has greater leverage muscles..

    it looks flauntingly weak, but is desceptively strong!

    flap flap.

    Best for strap and bucket style lift.

    likely in a 1 armed doggy style position.

    So, along withese very effective PositioningVariables
    .. A context variable technique can be playfully applied

    for example, "Obviously, there is going to be some serious advantage, being leveraged here.. but Im not affraid to lose, if Your not!" , then *flap and cluck*.. this leads into seamlessy the techniques, and reduces suspicion of it.

    No straps??

    No Problem..

    Multiply the Load Capability, By Applying..

    .. Did You Guess? ..
    Scientific Methods!

    Its simple, proven and works!

    ..This is just applying BASIC PHYSICS..

    Lift Like a Scientist!!

    So.. heres a way how..

    Grip it, Lift it.. ..
    but bend over...

    Those knees are fulcrums.. so is the hip..




    Sooo... if Gravity is the force??..
    Then You'll want to push it sideways..

    Thats right.

    By pushing horizontal, You can lift Something Up!

    Pull the knees in.

    Thrust the pelvis forward!

    Yes, humping technique. ..I repeat.. with other words..
    Do not Try to push down on your feet, or up with your legs or back!

    Congratulations, if done correctly, Your body is now a mechanicaly levered machine.

    Back to Variablesexy..
    Try to pick her|him up.

    simple variable.

    more or less simple is an air or fluid tube, connect to a foot pump. but no sexy value there.

    Shake things, up, and down, and up , and down.. until climax pressure|mixture|etc is reached.. before a big release.

    [^] #3DMinesweeper

  • Simple concept and design.
  • there whould be a maximum of 26 mines touching a number cell.


    Shape shifing would be another grid mode. like triangle, or hex.. maybe overlap rectangles would be a strange dynamic?

    I like pleasent chimesounds.. musical fx are nice. colour anims maybe.

    Maybe a theme change is needed.. like button sweeper..

    Unbutton stuck buttons and let a drape fall..or just locate the buttons. Bra sweeper!

    Could be an interesting minigame for unlatchings..

    RGB sweeper? ROYGBV sweeper?

    [^] #TriSize

  • +9 per 10..
  • Seemed near consitant from 10:10:10 up to 100:100:100 , when drawn and measured.. .. poor img/illustration

    The measures were|are as follows;
    10&9 , 20:20:20 & 17 , 30:30:30 & 26 , 40&34 , 50&43 , 60&52 , 70&60 , 80&69 , 90&78 , 100&87

    So very near 9 per 10.. possibly 8.7.

    [^] #MyLogo upgrading

  • --- insert images here ---
  • 3D.. ¿ would an object spinning in a light source,
    appear the same as,
    a light source fixed to a camera then spinning around tge object.

    I was thinking about hand drawing a steroscopic image.. something easy, like a cube, to start.. maybe I could work my way up to my logo..

    Im definately going to become a Graphical Master

    ..its only a matter of time key practice and aplication.

    There are 3d modelers out there.. I could build something, pic two angles..

    I Kinda like the idea of a 2d 3d wire frame rotation..

    I may want to write my own..

    [^] ThisDoc

  • 3.9th: taboosaboo.neocities.org/ScienceInTheRough/Ponderings/3_9th/SciPonder_3_9
  • SciPonders_3.8th: https://taboosaboo.neocities.org/ScienceInTheRough/Ponderings/3_8th/SciPonder_3_8
    3.8th_01mid , 3.8th_00
  • nofolder SciPonders_3.8th: https://taboosaboo.neocities.org/ScienceInTheRough/Ponderings/SciPonder_3_8
  • 3.7thSciPonderings: https://taboosaboo.neocities.org/ScienceInTheRough/Ponderings/3_7th_PonderingSci